作为木材行业的负责任的参与者,PTC Timber Sdn. Bhd. 致力于维护最高的可持续性、合法性和透明度标准。
与这一承诺一致,PTC Timber 积极承诺遵守欧洲联盟木材法规(EUTR),以确保对木材产品的负责任采购。
2024年至2027年的未来计划: 展望2024年至2027年,PTC Timber 正在为即将到来的欧洲联盟森林砍伐法规(EUDR)做好准备。认识到森林砍伐对环境的全球影响,PTC Timber 正定位自己以满足并超越即将实施法规的要求。
PTC Timber深刻致力于环境可持续性,我们的实践在整个运营过程中反映了这一承诺:
我们的木材采购仅来自100% PEFC认证的可持续森林。这确保我们使用的木材得到负责任的采伐,有助于生态系统的长期健康和平衡。
At PTC Timber, we embrace the principles of the circular economy to minimize waste and make the most of our resources. Our approach focuses on reusing, refurbishing, and recycling materials to create a closed-loop system. By adopting circular economy practices, we aim to reduce environmental impact, enhance resource efficiency, and foster sustainability throughout our operations. Our initiatives include repurposing sawdust into high-density charcoal briquets, implementing efficient waste management systems, and continuously exploring innovative ways to extend the life cycle of our products.